I have had several vehicles worked on at Eric and Son's Benz Connection. Eric does a great job. Someone should rate Monty and his character. Since I know him, I will because I am fed up with him representing the boyscouts and Chapel Hill and doing things like this to people. He slanders and bullies people into giving him stuff for free. This isn't the first time he has tried to take advantage of people, getting a service or product for free. Good for Eric and Sons Benz Connection for not being another victim to Monty. We need to stop people like Monty who take advantage of the system. I would think a person that represents the boyscouts and attends one of the best churches in Gig Harbor would be more ethical himself. I don't know how Monty can show his face at church and I hope to never see him in a boyscout uniform. I think it dishonors the program by having people like Monty representing them. His action are not that of a leader but a man trying to get things for free. I hope he doesn't try to be a leader of any program at Chapel Hill because I will be sure to shed some light on the true Monty. He is a shrewd person that takes advantage of people and I am offended to hear what he has been doing. It is just another attempt to muscle someone into doing something for free but I believe this time, Monty will be exposed. There is ways to determine if something is forged. I hope Eric and Son's don't back down from Monty and expose him for who he truly is. I am ashamed to say I know him and once called Monty my friend. Do yourself a favor and disassociate yourself with Monty before you are his next victim.