After driving minivans for 22 years I decided I needed (okay, wanted) a new car, something fun to drive. I liked the current Mustang because it reminded me of the car I craved as a teenager but couldn't aford. I also wanted to buy locally even though the larger dealerships advertise that they give a better deal. I wanted to support a local business where I could get the car serviced and maintained instead of having to drive 30 minutes and wait. And I enjoyed dealing with local people who had worked there most of their life. The sales staff were vey friendly and helpful in recommending styles and options. I wanted racing stipes that Ford did not offer and they knew a local businnes that would install them. I researched prices on the internet and believe I got as good a deal as I would have gotten at a larger dealership. By buying locally I also got to see the car unloaded off the car carrier! I highly recommend Ray Motoro Co. for your next car.