The experience I recieved in this hospital horrible. The Surgeon we saw (Dr. Alexander Rosemurgy) was unproffessional, he and and office staff were rude, condesending, and if questioned became verbally abusive. After my surgery I spent 7 hours in recovery where my wife was never given any information. Then was sent to a unit where no one checked on me unless my wife requested somone, and it still took 30 mins for them to show up. They fell behind in my pain management, and I ultimatly endind up in ICU on a vent with pnumonia, which took 7 days for them to diagnose. Ther was never a plan of care presened and when my family ask for a consult for a pulminologist we where discorraged to do so ""afraid to offend Dr. Rosemurgy"" was thier reponse. Oh and add to the fact he only came by 3 times, the while I was in ICU. Never spent more than a minute and really had nothing to say except when my wife expressed concern that she was losing me he reponse was "" Yah you are"" That's it!!! No words of comfort or hope. Unbelieve that a hospital of this magnitude has Doctors that work there and treat patient or should I say costumers and thier family this way!!!!!