Last week I had to bring my 7 year old daughter in to see Dr. Schneider. I usually check her toothbrush to see if its wet at night but that wasn't enough. She had 8 cavities which Dr. Schneider showed me on the xrays. His first words out of his mouth is ""we need to get her out of pain."" Because she was. She didnt sleep for three nights before that and didnt go to school for two of those days. I waited in Dr. Schneiders office for an hour after he consulted us then was seen. I had expected to wait, just like at any other doctor office or emergency room, so I brought things that would entertain my daughter but she just laid on my lap until we were called back in. She cried but she got her cavities filled and Dr. Schneider gave me his cell phone number and gave me information on how to prevent more cavities. The office wasnt anything special and got there early just in case the off chance we would be seen early. But when has that ever happened when going to the doctors office.