I recently took a trip to Madrid. I took very many pictures that I wanted to show to my family. Well, imagine when I came home, popped in the memory card, and it said it was empty! I was mad as a hatter and decided that data recovery would be worth it, since I had well over 500 pictures on the card, and I won't be travelling again any time soon. I took the disk to Secure Data Recovery Services in Atlanta, who spent a few days working over the disk, and were ultimately able to recover 362 pictures out of however many there (which was over 500). They told me the data was highly corrupted and they had to go on a pic by pic basis, which I imagine must have been tedious and hard. But regardless, they were able to get the better part of the pictures on my card, and I am very, very highly thankful. I'd choose them again if I ever need something recovered in the future.