I took my daughter's car here and asked them to perform a complete check so that I could have the needed repairs done (naturally I wanted my baby driving a safe). They said that they replaced a sensor and a couple other things and told me that nothing else needed to be done but advised me to come back once a week just to check things out. In the process doing these minor repairs they dropped the engine puncturing my steering fluid compartment, they also left an air intake tube disconnected, my clock hasn't maintained proper time since, my interior light no longer works (even with a new fuse) and God only knows what else they messed up. I later took the car to a hole in the wall shop in the Buford area and had a diagnostic done and I was not at all surprised that several major repairs were needed. These were all repairs that I had suspected were needed but just to be sure, I took the car to a dealership and was give basically the same diagnosis as the one give at the Buford shop. These guys don't seem to know what they are doing, surely they weren't trying ensure that a widow would be forced to make repeated visits to have things repaired that they broke. . . I refuse to believe that! If you did intentionally scam me out of my money, I pray that the $400 serves as a catalyst for your demise.