I have had the worst exsperence with this daycare. I should have known that it was going to be a problem when i first started taking my daughter there. The director imediatly started telling me all the person information about the other kids and there family (which is none of my business). Telling me how a mother is addicted to drugs and the childs grandparents are taking care of him. Just way to much info but my main problem is that my daughter came home and told me that the teacher grabed her arm and was sqeezing it when she was taking her to the restroom to change her becasue she had a accident in my pants. My daughter has a bruse and everything. I didnt take her to school the next day and the day after that when i did, the director called me and told me that my daughters story had changed. When i picked her up from school and asked her about it she told me the same story about the teacher doing it so therefore i feel as if they tryed to manipulate my child or intemidate her which i am not ok with. \r
Please be smart and dont enroll your child there even tho it is the cheapest daycare in Mt. Washington. Remember you get what you pay for.