When shopping for back-to-school and semi/formal events at my daughters' school, we used to always make Dress Code our first stop. Yesterday we were shopping for Homecoming dresses and got a late afternoon start after some family time in the morning. When we pulled up at 4:50, I told the girls we'd walk in, let them know we just wanted to eyeball their selection and we'd come back Tuesday after school. The door hadn't even closed behind us when the girl shouted out from behind the counter, ""We're closing in 10 minutes. You should know."" I told her I was aware. We went to the semi/formal dress rack and had no sooner browsed 3-4 dresses when ANOTHER associate came to tell us in a snide tone, ""Don't know if you're aware. We are closing in less than ten minutes."" That's all it took for me to decide I'm never going back. We walked right out the door. I'd rather pay full price than to be treated like crap. Maybe the next generation of customer service industry employees need to watch Pretty Woman a time or two. BIG MISTAKE, Dress Code, BIG MISTAKE. Spreading the word.....