I was floored by the excellent service that I received here. I've taken my car here for an oil change before, and they checked my tread, fluids and brakes for free, which was great and it's only 4 blocks away from where I work. So when my car started making a terrible clanking noise and stalling out, I went here for help. I knew that my 3rd cylinder was misfiring and the guy at O'Reilly's told me that I just needed to change the spark plug. The guy at the desk, who I'd seen before and was always very friendly, offered to take a closer look as that's not what it sounded like to him. He checked the compression of all 4 cylinders for me, and sure enough, something was seriously wrong with my car, which would require a total engine rebuild at least. Already distraught, I asked him how much that was, and he told me, very honestly that it would cost more than the car was worth (not exactly a Lexus that I drive...) instead of trying to charge me copious amounts of money to repair it. I, being completely at a loss for what to do and on the verge of tears, asked him what my next step should be. He gave me a number of options, and even let me keep the car there overnight, completely free of charge.