I just want to comment on Screebee's awful posting. I am a senior citizen from Ridgefield who has lived here my whole life. The Empire Club is one of the few places left that have the courtesy of hosting events for senior citizens from all over New Jersey and they do a great job of it. It is miserable old men like you that give us seniors a bad name. I have been going to The Empire Club with our group for years and not only has the food been excellent every time we've gone, but everyone that works there is courteous and respectful... even to big whiners like Screebee. The price they give for the amount food and drink they give us is great, especially since most of us are on a fixed income. We have the salmon several times a year and the sauce they make with it is exquisite. All of the food is! Your picture looks familiar, Screebee. I think you are the ""gentleman"" that they caught trying to sneak out a bottle of wine in your pants and because you were probably so ashamed of yourself when they stopped you, you try to tarnish the name of a very reputable business who goes out of their way to host great events for us seniors every month.
You should be ashamed of yourself Screebee and the rest of us are glad not to see you at another event!