As I said in the headline that only in the imagination does the ideal world exist. That must be where MamaJenny84, Mom2Shop and Jessie2011 live at because the reviews that they wrote could not be more far fetched or ridiculous. MamaJenny84 complained that there was no one to escort her back on the first day she dropped off her daughter, well that is the reason they give you a tour. I don't see why she would need someone to hold her hand to walk her daughter to her room. Then there is Mom2Shop who took the word of a toddler and probably did not ever even inquire beyond that and just believed that an employee at lil' peoples world would have transported her child in an illegal manner. Then we have Jessie2011 who claims her daughter had a dislocated elbow when she picked her up, yeah right the only thing out of place there is probably the blame on who and how it happened.
So finally I will share my experience. I am not going to assure you that it is picture perfect there nor is it anywhere in the world. Boy there are some crazy days at lil' peoples world but come on there are how many kids there? ALOT!!!!!!!! My two kids have been there for over 2 1/2yrs and in that time my son has came home and told me some doosies but I would be plain ignorant not to inquire beyond my toddlers story. The staff at there has supported me and my kids through some pretty difficult times of their father just cutting out leaving behind two kids that didn't know what to do so they acted out and the staff here was 100% understanding and more than compassionate about it. And everyone has bad days here and there but how dare MammaJenny84 write such a review on less than 24hrs of experience with them based on not getting her hand held to walk her daughter back to her class. There have certainly been teachers there that I clash with but we are all only human but for the most part I my experience with this daycare has been nothing but good. They have a phenominal way of preparing children for each stage of early life in the way they go about helping them make the transitions comfortably and there are ALWAYS more than enough staff on hand as far as the child/adult ratio goes. I would definatly recommend using them for a daycare to anyone who has the opportunity to get their child/ren into an opening there!!!!!!