I returned to Guthrie after being diagnosed with Hypoactive Thyroidism. After triage and having blood drawn by the nurse, I saw a doctor. I expressed my primary concern- the thyroid problem, and mentioned my hot flases, and my recent knee injury. Without the benefit of blood test results or xray- just looking at me...she sent in a prescription. We didn't discuss it- I didn't know what it was until I got there. I was prescribed High Blood Pressure Med for hot flashes, and Rhumetoid Arthritis Med for knee pain. The side effects and possible effects were FAR worse and scarier than sweating, and the other was no way to reapair my knee that's not arthritic. After talking with pharmacist I did NOT get prescription, however my medical record now wrongly shows I'm on High Blood pressure med & Rhumatoid Arthritis med :( Called back about blood test results which I knew they had since the Lab billed me. Another doctor said ""nothings wrong"" over the phone as I talked to the nurse. I replied there IS something wrong..and spouted out my symtoms including a goiter in my throat. That was 6/11 and I still hadn't heard anything. I had knee xrays done that was recently sent to them. I called to sched a follow up appt. set a week away. I pray for a referral to a specialist- I am very uncomfortable being in their care and accepting their advise.