I danced with Ellen Robbins my entire childhood. From age 5 until 18. Dancing and choreographing with Ellen was a joy and has become one of my fondest memories. From an early age I learned to know my body and understand how it moved. This has made me graceful and healthy. Expressing oneself though dance is a beautiful and singular experience. Ellen guides each student to know oneself in many many respects! She is a caring and loving teacher who demands nothing short of excellence. At the end of each year with Ellen we were expected to choreograph a solo piece on our own. This experience taught us to always finish projects and not to give up even if the task was challenging. She teaches her students to follow through and complete projects. This practice has made me a very successful and motivated person. Dance class was a special and open place where I was allowed to be myself outside of the public school setting. I would seriously recommend it to any parent who wants to give their child a meaningful and unique childhood experience. More art! Less homework!