The reviews are correct that she was very disorganized, in regards to scheduling and neatness of her studio/apartment. I wish I had read these reviews prior to meeting with Jean.
I had to meet with Jean four times to get the alterations correct for my bridal gown. I gave her ample time to get the work done as well (over 12 weeks). Of the four meetings we had, Jean had double booked me with other consultations. To be kind, I waited patiently to the side, while the others were taken care of. Though I tried to be understanding, it really wasn't fair to me as a paying bridal gown customer.
During the first meeting, I asked her to give me an estimate of the cost of the alterations we discussed. She explicitly said the alterations would be between $200-300. I believed this statement. On the third appointment, she told me that I owed her $400. I got upset, and repeated what she had told me during the first meeting. She told me that she never would have made a statement like that. I don't appreciate being told one estimate, and then being asked to pay double that once the final product is done. It was terrible customer service on her part.