***Be careful with this company as it sells a commodity our industry and others depends on, but the company itself is very unreliable and unpredictable!! ***
We had a great business relationship for 15+ years. Our invoices were paid on time and we even used them as a credit reference. Then one day, Joseph Herr just decided he no longer wanted our business....
We would take price quotes from several suppliers but Campbell Metal Tools was our preferred supplier. On some items we would bring the quotes back to the Campbell Metal Tools sales team and ask if they could match the pricing.
The sales person generally would have to go back and ask the president, Joseph Herr. Often times Joseph would match the pricing but apparently at some point he no longer wanted the business and placed the account on his ""NO SELL"" Campbell Metal Tools Blacklist. According to his staff, he instructed them not to sell to us.
Now if he no longer wanted to sell to us ""on account"" that would be one thing but as a public company, according to his staff, he also instructed them not to sell to us even if we brought in cash!!
All this and on top of it, his staff confirmed to our legal department that we were not the only customer on Joseph Herr's Campbell Metal Tools Blacklist, there are others!!
Be careful with this company as it sells a commodity our industry and others depend on, but the company itself is very unreliable and unpredictable!!