I was one of this shops first customers. Brought my little one here for many years; alwaysrequested the same ""natural"" haircut. One evening I picked her up and she had a beard like a schnauzer. WHAT?! The groomer said she must have gotten confused when she reviewed the card and apologized for not having time to fix it. So, I went home and trimmed it myself. Next time I dropped my little one off , I was talking to the owner and mentioned the beard and asked to be sure to do the natural. Out of seemingly nowhere, he shouted at me and told me that my dog was old and had a sore mouth and it was more important for her to be comfortable than for the haicut to please me. I stuttered and said that I was unaware that my dog had ever had a sore mouth. Then I left and cried my eyes out. When I picked my little one up she looked fine and we said goodbye for the last time. Never went back again, never heard anything. I groomed my baby for the rest of her life. And did a fine job :)