After several visits of various family members and myself to this emergency department over the past 10 years, in my opinion Parker Adventist ER is absolutely the TOPS tops and all Drs are the BEST in the business.. My concern was with a nurse and one particular SPEECH THERAPIST ACCUSING FAMIILY MEMBERS of giving a patient something they shouldn't have and SHOVING A TRAY MENU SLI P IN THEIR FACES, before checking the logs. Dr. said patient was on unrestrictid diet for a particualar day and time, kitchen had another diet listed and nurses and speech therapist had yet another diet listed. My suggestion is take your IPAD and scan every diet slip that comes into a patient's room, take notes when the Dr visits so you have an accurate account of Dr's visit, test results and required menu for that day. Based on 10 years experience with Parker Adventist Hospital, I would say COMMUNICATION between nurses and, support staff is the biggest problem, which could be easily solved.