I got this facial as a result of buying a Groupon, so I was looking forward to this treatment as it would be my first facial ever.
The house the "spa" is located in is a nice house, with cute jewelry for sale. Nothing seemed bad.
I spoke to my facialist for a minute before going into their main facial room and she seemed very knowledgeable and helpful.
*As soon as I got in the main facial room and laid down, she immediately started telling me how bad my skin was. At first I thought she was just going to tell me what products I should start using to improve my skin, but no... this conversation (mainly on just her part) lasted the ENTIRE facial.
I understand wanting the client to know what is and is not good for their skin but demeaning them the whole time they're there? Really?
She did a half-ass job with the facial in general, and wouldn't shut up about what vitamins I need to keep my face healthy and if I don't obey then I could, and I quote, "need a total face lift by the time I'm 26".
By the end of the facial I was so tired of her talking I just wanted to get out of there. She put what I thought was normal moisturizer on my face and then I went back downstairs only to find out it was a tinted moisturizer splotched all over my face.. WHO DOES THAT??! It wasn't even my skin color!! I looked like I had a skin disease.
I was expecting a relaxing day at a cute spa but my experience was far from that. I would *NEVER* recommend this spa to ANYONE. This woman (who's name escapes me) may have been knowledgeable about skin care, but I did not pay $200 to have someone tell me how awful my skin is for an hour.