These guys are definitely the best movers I've ever used. \r
Skilled: Not only do they handle every item, including my big, heavy, awkward couch, with ease and speed, but they know how to make sure nothing is scratched or damaged. Watching them run up and down stairs with two boxes on their back is fun, but watching them quickly and skillfully wrap furniture, move delicates out of the way, and cover surfaces that might get scratched just puts your mind at ease.\r
Professional: Completely honest and upfront, including if they're not sure how long a job will take. Several times they offered to let me do something myself because it would save me money. (I never took them up on that. :) And they've always made sure to call me back, show up when they say they will, and be totally transparent with me.\r
Friendly: They're just good guys. It goes a long way. :)\r
I haven't compared exhaustively, but it seems like they charge a premium over other moving companies because they're the best. I