In all honesty, I booked an appt for my 5 year old male cat (matted on backside), read some reviews and cancelled my appt. John called back to see if I wanted to reschedule, I told him I would call and that was the end. I thought for a bit and called John back. I told him I wanted to be honest and that I had cancelled my appt after reading some of the reviews. We spoke for a while and he explained his work ethic, love for animals and offered references. He did not dwell on the negative but instead stood by his reputation and committed to handling my Oliver personally. \r
I decided to give him a chance... also warning I would make him my hood ornament should anything happen to Oliver. I'm sure he's used to dealing with over protective pet owners but I was double concerned because this was Oliver's first visit. I dropped off a very...ummm cranky kitty to say the least. I called a little later to check and Oliver was hanging tough. :-) John told me he wasn't the crankiest cat he has deal