Dr. Smith did my cataract surgery and I can see again. I had an excellent experience. All his staff were friendly and thorough and prepared me well for surgery. The surgery nurse even held my hand when I told her I was nervous. They had given me something to relax me and surgery was over so quickly and without any pain. I would definitely recommend Dr. Smith and I have to many friends who have seen him also and all say they love him. \r
I believe that lens the upset lady was talking about was the Restor lens which is not covered by insurance and I was offered as an option so I wouldn't have to wear glasses. I decided to buy it and I'm glad I did. It was 1/2 that much for each eye. I was given the brochure also which was very helpful in explaining this lens. It said I might have halos around lights at night which I did notice for a few weeks at the beginning but seem to have gone away. I told myself - ""Who needs to look directly into oncoming headlights anyway?"".\r
All in all a great experience. I would never go to another eye doctor.\r
I also had my brother-in-law see him when he started getting flashing in his eye and poor vision like a curtain coming down over his eye and Dr. Smith immediately diagnosed a torn retina which he was able to stop with a laser procedure right away in his office.\r
And, he also diagnosed my nephew with diabetes just by looking into his eyes. Thank God for Dr. Smith catching that early.