I had a great haircut and perm with one of the 2 owners.. one of the very best I have ever had. The perm needed to be redone in a few months however, and Rena did it again. It didn't take, though a stronger solution was applied, the dryer was skipped in an effort to make it look more natural.
When I came in a week later to show the results to Rena she argued with me telling me that it was done perfectly. Then she had another stylist cut my hair ( as her cuts are $95 and I was hoping to avoid that) in order to make the perm bounce back. While the stylist did a pretty good job in cutting, I was disappointed to be back to short hair and so much product was applied to make the curl apparent that I left in a sticky mess. Rena had a look and told me how great it looked and while she had offered to throw in a ""curler or two"" if it really needed it.. no more words were said as she quickly disappeared after seeing the horrible mess I was left with.salon Vogueis not a 100% guarantee salon! I had no idea that a salon like this would consider it OK to argue with a client and leave them dissatisfied.