As an owner of a hyperactive German Shorthaired Pointer, Urban Tails is a dream come true. The large, open playspace (aka Bodyslammers) is a guarantee that I will be picking up a tired dog which usually gives me two days of peace and quiet at the house. Plus, if you ever wondered what your dog does when you are not around, the live-cams give you a peek into his world. I am particularly fond of their daycare special events. From the Cinco de Mayo parties to the Art Classes, I can not get enough of them especially the event photos and dog paintings. But most of all, the staff make it truly special. For example, last week my dog celebrated his 4th birthday at daycare. Nancy and the entire staff went above and beyond by organizing an impromtu party including some pool time. To top it all, they captured the party with pictures and gave me a copy of dvd as well as a birthday card with a special note about Jackson by each staff member. It is this extra service that will always bring me back.