I called around 10:30pm one night to ask what time they closed, since they do not have their hours listen on Google (from what I could find at the time being rush to get there on time if they closed at 11 being that I live about half an hour away).
I am 95% positive that it was the owner who answered the phone. When I asked what time they closed tonight he said ""We close when we want to, goodbye."" And was hung up on. I immediately called back and asked who I was speaking with and was never given an answer but asked why I want to know. And i said ""So that when I report this location, I know who I was speaking to for being so rude to me on the phone."" He actually started yelling at me saying ""you people call every night and waste my time"" and I asked who is ""you people"" because I have NEVER called his store and now will never spend a dime in there due to this blatantly rude and confrontational behavior. He stuttered all over himself and tried to apologize with a backhanded comment that I don't call ""apologizing"". And continued going off on me talking about the fact that he has customers in this store right now and people like me who call to ask for a closing time... that takes 10 seconds to answer... are taking time away from them. I told him he should probably post his hours on Google then. Needless to say I chose a different Dairy Queen off of 517 where the customer service was wonderful and everyone was very nice. If I am to every go into this particular location again it will be to throw something in the face of that jerk who thinks he can get away from running a business like that.