I had 2 bad experience with a clerk at this Conway location in Morrow, GA with Josie in the kid's dept. She was rude on 2 different days to me. This last time my young daughter overheard Josie talking very disrespectfully about me (my 8 year old daughter said she said ""SERIOUSLY! She is so cheap!"" etc...)as I went to show another clerk the clearance rack in which Josie went back to the rack twice and removed the items & putting the blame on another clerk for putting the items there even though Josie was working the night before & this morning so to me she should own the blame but Josie didn't stop there she went back to the front and told me I have to pay the price that it is ringing up REGARDLESS what the pink sticker says because again putting the blame on someone else it was priced wrong. This was all so confusing to me to see a clearance price but told in front of customers in line that I have to pay the price it is ringing up. Then she goes on to belittle me as I walk away to grab another article off that rack to show her they are all marked down. But I get to the rack & Josie pulls all the other items down. Then she came back to the front listened as I explained that I got them because it says $3.00 and one was ringing up $5.00. Josie rudely said ""Just give it to her"" in her normal rude voice in front of customers & walked off. My young daughter whispered to me ""Mommy I don't want the clothes, we can go to another store"" I was so appalled by Josie's unprofessionalism that it made my daughter feel bad. I have brought this to the store manager's attention. I feel an employee like that should not work in the public because clearly she is not cut out for this type of job. Josie lacks customer service skills, professional skills and respect for customers that come in there to spend money only to be humiliated & belittled. I wanted to bring this to the public's attention should you visit this store beware of this rude employee....she needs to be re-trained again. She is definitely a liability to the company. Josie is rude & obnoxious. She seem to enjoy trying to belittle a customer spending money by trying to make them pay more when the item is clearly marked down, she said I have to pay what it ringing up because ""someone"" put the wrong price on the items & put them in the wrong place. She was the one that dropped the ball but wants to blame others. She seriously needs to be reprimanded and trained before a secret shopper comes & catches her in the act then I guess something will be done to keep another customer from going through what I had to go through-it was very ridiculous to say the least.