Going to Windal was the biggest mistake of my life. I switched from a dentist that I was going to for 22+ years because my old dentist was not up to date on the new dental technologiesso I came to to Windal. They took Xrays and found 6 cavities. SERIOUSLY! I can honistly say I value my health a lot, I am a healthy eater; usually lean chicken and low sugar/carb intake hardly drink soda and never smoked a ciggrette or never drank alchol. Also I care about my image, making sure I brush my teeth after I wake up and before I go to bed, floss at night and floride in the morning. How in the world can I develop 6 cavities in my 20?s? After windal told me that I needed 6 fillings I of course had them filled trusting their professional opional. Yeah Right. Within 2 months one of the fillings ached a lot.
I decided for my 6 month check up I will switch to a denist that another family member recommended to me. Well it took Windal about 2 weeks to send my Xrays and a couple of days later to send over my charts. Want to talk about taking your time. When the new referred Dentist examed me for my 6 month check up I told her about my aching tooth that I had done at Windal so they took more Xrays because the ones that Windal sent were poor quality. They found that I had decay under one filling that was only 4 months old and another filling had split and was on the verge of breaking off. Which both would have to be redone.
While the new dentist was going over my teeth during the exam she said I had great teeth and barely any buildup. Crazy, then why in the world were my teeth so bad 6 months ago at Windal. Thanks Windal for distroying my teeth at such a young age and costing me a lot of money.