Personally I like my spot. For the area... it's expensive... but I knew what I signed up for. I felt like it was worth the loft experience. Management is professional and seems like they do their job fine in my opinion .. as a result I renewed the lease and I been in the building for almost two years now.
The walls are thin...I'm guessing the contractor bought the dry wall from china? and got the cheapest pile on the market? So if you and your significant other have an argument.. make sure your make your point out very well so that your neighbors know that you were right!
Over all I really like the building. It's safe, private from outsiders (not so much insiders because of thin walls) , and just an exclusive atmosphere to be in. I love having a heavy buzz at a downtown spot and just walking home because I live downtown. If you keep your apartment nice and clean... it's a really nice spot...dream like in my opinion. I got a two story on the third floor...I've been told by my guest.. this is the nicest building I've ever seen more than once...
Agree , disagree.... That's my truth. peace