If I could give a negative rating, I would. This place has been a nightmare since day 1. The only reason I didn't move for a year was financial reasons, with three kids and starting over from scratch it's kind of difficult to just up and move and pay new deposits and such. My neighbors were probably the only positive, the lady next to me is awesome. However, I did receive an ""eviction warning"" from management because my kids (probably my one year old at the time) ran in the house....all hours of the night they said. Funny, didn't know before 730 was ""all hours of the night, just too late for kids to be up"". But it's ok for the other kids in the apartments to be out yelling and screaming until 1030. Sure. The main problem was my refrigerator. The stupid thing wasn't working properly since I had moved in August of 2010. Now, August 2011, I am finally moving out because they have refused to properly fix or replace it. My ice melts then refreezes together in a huge clump, my ice cream is pourable and I have had so much food go bad it is ridiculous. There was one month that I called them THREE TIMES A WEEK and they would, each time, come out and defrost any ice in the back. That would work for about a day, then everything would melt. Then they tried to blame me...saying I was overstuffing the freezer. I never cover vents and don't use my freezer for too much stuff, but the stuff I put in, I would like it to stay frozen. The whole point of having a freezer, I thought. Now, for the last 6 months, it's been on ""defrost mode"". Newer fridges have defrost cycles, old mid 1980's ones don't. I got a thermometer a month ago and put it in my freezer, along with some popsicles and ground beef. Today, that ground beef is brown and frost bitten (never took it out of the freezer) and the popsicles are nearly liquified, and the temperature of the freezer is 30 degrees. Awesome. Oh, not to mention I saw the manager sitting in my truck going through it. That made me feel safe. My neighbors have also mentioned the shady maintenance guy (bald one with a beard, not the one who looks 15) and the management (the guy, not the wife or the wife of the guy who looks 15) may or may not have entered hers and possibly my, apartment. Without our permission. She had hundreds of dollars of vintage jewelry go missing and I've had things disappear as well. She said that when she spoke to police they told her the lock hadn't been tampered with so it had to be someone with a key. That would explain why when the manager asked if they could enter my apartment to fix the fridge when I wasn't home and I said no, he flipped out and actually started yelling and cursing at me. Not very becoming of a manager. Anyways, I'm finally moving out of these hellacious apartments and just felt I should let people know about them and try to keep people away because I wouldn't want ANYONE to go through this. STAY AWAY!!!!