I have no idea how Atlas Butler is still in business. We had a maintenance contract with them for a few years - they found something that needed replaced nearly every single time they made a maint visit, yet we never had issues with our systems before their visits. Really pretty naive on our part, but we replaced several parts and spent several hundred $$ if not a thousand $$. We began hearing about how Atlas Butler was so high-priced and that the contract was a scam. After checking out a few other companies, it is clear that their business model relies on naive/uninformed consumers. We began having actual issues so we called a few companies for estimates for new AC/Heating units. Atlas Butler provided an estimate of over $10K!! Three other companies offered similar products for around $4,500 - 6K. We chose another company that came highly recommended from a personal friend who had worked with them in the past. We chose CARE Heating/Cooling. Representatives from all of the other companies said that Atlas Butler counts on selling the consumer the first time, before they have a chance to consult with other companies. The maintenance plan appears to be well known for it's "needed" repairs at outlandish prices. We called and asked Atlas Butler to discontinue our maint contract and found out we have to pay it out until February because that contract was the reason we received all of their "maintenance discounts". Again, we really feel like we were taken advantage of by Atlas Butler,but we really have no one to blame but ourselves. We should have checked around first. I am urging anyone reading this to check out all of your options before blindly picking Atlas Butler. You will be glad you did.