I brought my 16 year old little dog to this clinic because he was so sick and dying. I knew he needed to be out of his suffering. Never once did he cry or wimper even though I could see he was in pain at home.
I carried him in he was so thin and tired.
When the vet came in she was rather heartless. She said we will give him a shot to tranquilize him then a second one to stop his heart.
Then she gave him the first shot. He cried out in such excruitating pain I could not get that image out of my mind. Never in all the vet appoitments had I ever seen him react to a shot like that. That should never happen. No animal being euthanized should have that much pain subjected to them before their death. I had other animals euthanized and never had this expereince. It was horrifying. The worst last moments with my beloved dog are now agonizing to recall. I know my dog needed to be at peace but I am so sorry I took him there.