Don't waste your money with this company because they can only call the credit bureau if there is questionable items in your credit report, but if everything in your credit report are correct they cannot do anything! Do not waste your hard earned money for something you can do yourself! Once you signup with this company, even they cannot do anything they'll keep on promising. If you really want to try them, before giving your money have them sign a contract that it is a guarantee that your credit score will go up to the extend you can buy a house, for sure they will not do it! Why?? Because they cannot change anything that is correct! They claim they are credit bureau themselves! Hello! There are only 3 credit bureau you should trust...Equifax, TransUnion & Experian. Anyone can have a five star rating if they want....all they do is just create email addresses and give themselves 5 star ratings to get people's attention. Some people don't have conscience, they know people are in credit crisis and they still take advantage of them!! FYI