This is the worst place you want to go if you have small children. they made us leave after only 1.5 of playing because my son who just turned 3 refused to wear their life jacket and would not enter the water with it so after a while of convincing him i gave up(he would sit on a chair and refused to go to the water), he was unconfortable and i just wanted to have a nice and peacful day so i put his own life jacket on and they said he has to take it off or go home and after a little argument with them i just went home cause my peace was over and i have pool where i live where nobody bothers us so it wasnt worth staying and i am definitelly not comming back...they also wouldnt even let u take a little jouice for the baby or anything else as they want u to sit there all they and buy everything there...too silly...there r better places out there that are much more friendly and thats where we will be going on weekends ...