Yesterday an agreement was reached, but I will still never give Lowe's my business again. As of this week, my mother has not had a kitchen for 61 weeks. If Lowe's sells kitchens, but they can't put one in and fix problems, I have no faith in their business. It is not like her kitchen burned down in installation and they were trying to figure out what to do. Rather selling and installing kitchens is what they are in business for and they could not make it happen in a timely manner. On account of this experience, my family and I will now be loyal Home Depot customers.
Due to my experiences with this store, I will never step foot in Lowes again and I am selling my stock. I feel they could care less about their customers.
They attempted installing Kraftmaid kitchen cabinets for my mother over a year ago, and she still has damaged cabinets - consequently she can't even install counters or a running kitchen sink. Now they finally admitted things went wrong, but getting them to fix it is like pulling teeth. The customer should not have to go through this much work to correct their error, and if they really cared, they would have figured out a way to fix it immediately.