New York roofer/ tansfer with conviction record who came to BR as a Remodeler ??? All in my opinion- He is unqualified, untrained and not talented as a remodeler. Posed as a remodeler and ""grifted our business"" in an illegal contract , and lied about ability , skills , workers and timeframes. Brought dropouts and losers in my home with his convicted self and began to demolish my home with no one skilled or qualified to do the work . Our MB shower holds water even after we told him to fix it twice ! Violated local codes and permits! Took twice the timeframe promised. Violated the LA Contractors Board Rules and Laws and was found guilty. Call the Contractors Board and get their hiring advise. DO not hire HDC and DO not pay more than 10% - $1000 max up front - ever !!! GO see a work site in person --- do not take others phone advise/ refferances as they usually don't know what you expect , go see yourself ! Good Luck !