I was in line behind a black guy buying his after-work six-pack. The older woman behind the register (owner/family) refused to turn around to find the bottle of VSOP he asked for.
He desisted and paid for his beer. The Atlas woman bagged it and the black patron grabbed a couple of paper-bag wine sleeves and put them in his bag of beer.
Atlas woman's face contorts in hatred, ""what are you stealin' from me""?
Black guy responds, defensive now, ""I'm just grabbing a couple pf paper bags, etc.""
""GET THE HELL OUT OF MY STORE,"" says the racist.
I called her on it. I told her I would never shop there again. "" I was going to invite you back tomorrow,"" she replied sarcastically.
""I think you're a racist,"" I said.
""Do you want this,"" she concludes unfazed, holding up my receipt for my beer and wine.
I complained to the manager, who was nonplussed and didn't take my name.
This is one of those wine shops that sells almost exclusively American wine.
Never again, and I suggest you do the same.
Milton, MA