Stephen, I have so much to thank you for - for the tremendous work you are doing in this world! Every day I use one or more things that you taught me. I think of you often and pray for peace and prosperity for you! - - As a Spiritualist Minister and one of your students, I have such fun officiating at weddings (like last weekend - a 2nd wedding for the family, so no paperwork, but the same service) and then I officiated at a Celebration of Life service this weekend for my friend Chris who took his life in February. I was telling them about how we can connect with our loved ones in Spirit, and that they send signs like rainbows and train whistles and birds to remind us they are still here. Then, as we were releasing 12 balloons and looking up, there appeared the most stunning rainbow in a circle around the sun! And a hawk followed by a little bird (Chris and his dog Kong in spirit too) were circling around in the rainbow!! Everyone felt his presence - it was SO cool! Thank you, Stephen, my dear teacher, for all you taught me and for encouraging me to become a Spiritualist Minister! I use what I learned at Holistic Studies Institute every day! I envision and see you receiving abounding love, overflowing prosperity and health, and magnificent success this year and always! Much Love and Peace, GT