Beware contractors and homeowners. This contractor isn't paying a subcontractor for quality work completed in good faith and on time. We were called in due to the original subcontractor being hospitalized. Three days before a clothing store grand opening, so we agreed to step up and do the job (out of respect for the ailing sub), having to change weekend plans and commitments, only to be lied to and avoided about being paid. Job finished in March, this is July. Homeowners, if this happens for a job on your home, the sub can place a lien on your property causing you to potentially have to pay twice for the same work. All he has to do is pay up for honest work completed that bailed him and his general contractor out of a really tough spot. Don't trust him. Next, I'm going to the state Board for Contractors and DMBE. They need to know what kind of person this is. The only reason this contractor gets one star at all is that he is licensed, for now.