I was a walk-in and got a new stylist (to the salon - they said he had several years experience as a stylist). He did a great job on my hair and a so-so job on my eye brows. I made an appointment to get my hair cut by him again in 6 weeks. A week before the appointment something came up and I called to reschedule. I was told that the stylist was no long with the salon so there wasn't an appointment for me on the books. I'm glad something came up so I didn't waste time showing up for an appointment they no longer had on their books.\r
I don't know if that's common practice for this salon to (a) have such a quick turnover of stylists and/or (b) when a stylist leaves they don't bother to call and tell the clients. Either way it doesn't bode well. The managers should get their heads out of their @**. \r
I got no apology, no suggestion for another stylist I might see, nothing. I will NOT be going back there.