Having been there, all these favorable reviews are suspect. My girlfriend and I had a 3:30 reservation. When we arrived we were told we wouldn't be on the same plane although they failed to mention that when I made the reservation. The owner Cindy is a misery and her affect on the staff is palpable which likely resulted in the following. I finally made my jump around 5:30 and was instructed when to leave the plane and to pull my parachute at 4500 feet. All afternoon I watched skydivers come dangerously close to the power lines at the north end of the drop zone in high winds but just assumed they were novice mistakes. I further assumed that the pilot and jumpmasters were taking wind conditions into consideration as they made decisions about when to exit the plane. However having left the plane when instructed and pulling at 4500 feet I soon realized they themselves were either novices or careless because after facing into the wind the length of the 11 acre drop zone I was forced to make an abrupt low altitude S turn to prevent colliding with the power lines at the north end of the field. When my girlfriend was finally able to make her jump at 7:30 - four hours after our scheduled reservation - I assumed that the tandem instructors had been adequately vetted and she would be safe jumping with them which in hindsight was a poor decision based on my own jump. Both she, her tandem instructor, and the camerman blew about a quarter mile north of the drop zone crossing a road and power lines and landing in a cow pasture between dense tree lines and water hazards. In retrospect they were operating in unsafe wind conditions with inexperienced staff. The ""individualized attention"" they talk about on their website is a line. You will wait longer. You're unlikely to jump with your friends. Safety is not a priority there. Go somewhere else.