I will refer to my experience at the Porter Sq site, however, the upper management who made bad decisions is the same for all these schools (Allston, Newton, Needham, South End Boston, etc). I am saving specific comments for the court case. For now, I will just say that my son attended this school for 7 months and they caused him and me a great distress. Moreover, after just two weeks of attending two other different schools now, he has already regained confidence and is so much more happy and relaxed. I have noticed several serious deficiencies in many aspects; the business management is not involved, but then they feel entitled to make decisions about the future of your child, even though they have hardly seen the child in person, cannot pronounce their name on a voice mail and even misspelled your last name in the communication. Do not get fooled by the policies that they post in their website/blog/facebook page, because it is just a marketing tool, that is not what they apply in the classrooms.