Tonight I had the most unfortunate experience that will result in me never visiting the establishment again and advising all my family and friends to do the same. \r
Consumers beware: Mykonos Greek Restaurant on 1201 Coral Way is overcharging its customers. If you decide to eat there, make sure to check your bill carefully. Although I suggest that you try Maria's Greek on Coral Way instead.\r
So what happened? I went to eat dinner at Mykonos on Tuesday July 19th, 2011. I had a $25 gift certificate. The certificate has the following restrictions: Minimum purchase of $35. 18% Gratuity added prior to discount. Valid for Dinner, Food, Dine In ONLY. Excludes: Alcohol, Other Offers/Promotions. Present prior to ordering. Not valid on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.\r
The wait staff was prompt and courteous. The food was fairly good. It was when I was presented with the bill that my experience took a down turn. This is the breakdown of the bill:\r
Sub Total: $42.75\r
Sales Tax: $4.09\r
Discount Total: $25.00\r
Gratuity: $8.43\r
Check Total: $30.27\r
The overall bill seemed high to me and at first I couldn't pin point it. Then I realized that they overcharged me tax. $4.09 of $42.75 (the pre-discount amount) is a tax rate of 9.6%. I asked the waiter why they were charging such high tax and he couldn't give me an answer so he brought over the manager. The manager came over and said that tax is 8%. I told him that I hadn't heard of an 8% tax, it was my impression that it should be 7%, but even if it was 8%, he is still over charging. The manager was reluctant to make any correction and kept insisting on 8%. After repeating myself several times, he said he was going to "check" and he walked away.\r
If you are wondering, tax is 8% on some Miami-Dade Restaurants. Per Miami-Dade Tax Collector - "A one percent (1%) Homeless and Domestic Violence Tax is collected on all food and beverage sales by establishments that are licensed by the State of Florida to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, except for hotels and motels. Only businesses that make over $400,000 in gross receipts annually are obligated to collect this tax."\r
I waited patiently for a while but the manager was taking quite a long time. In reality the difference of 8% and 9.6% on my bill was less than a $1 ($0.67 to be exact). So I walked over to him and said, "Look, I need to leave and I don't need to wait for a $1." At which point he corrected me and said it was $0.67. So I continued, "Yes, $0.67. Point is you are overcharging your customers and that does need to be corrected." He clearly didn't care and got frustrated. He gave me the bill to sign and then threw $0.67 on the counter. I told him that I come here several times and I now I will never return. To which he said that he didn't care. He proceeded to call us "ass holes" and told us to "get out of his restaurant"\r
The worst part of all this is that it doesn't end there. So the bill is supposed to have an 18% tip automatically added to it per the certificate. The credit card receipt also mentions "18% Gratuity Included in Total." Well they are not charging 18%, they are charging 19.72% gratuity. Personally I don't mind because I usually tip 20% and our server earned 20% gratuity. But here again, is Mykonos charging more than what is being presented. Let's look at the numbers. $8.43 gratuity is 19.6% of the pre-tax amount of $42.75. It turns out that Mykonos is charging 18% on the total amount of $46.84 (sub-total & tax). You could argue if the gratuity should be on the sub-total or total of a bill, but I have always gone by the sub-total.\r
So now I'm home documenting what happened and sending this information to, the better business bureau, consumer reports, Yelp, Urban Spoon and other review sites with the hopes that consumers who decide to eat at this establishment are aware of Mykonos' questionable accounting.\r
Attached are the receipts as proof of what they charged me.\r
After some more analysis of the receipts, I realized what is wrong with their register. Here it is:\r
- The subtotal is $42.75, tax is calculated at $4.09 and tip is calculated at $8.43. \r
- The $4.09 is an 8% tax of the total of $51.18: $42.75 (sub-total) and $8.43 (tip) \r
- The $8.43 tip is an 18% tip on the total $46.84: $42.75 (sub-total) and $4.09 (tax). \r
As you can see their register is calculating these charges in a loop. In the end it results in that the consumer is paying more for tax and more tip on a total (not sub-total) amount of the bill.