Lived at WP for about 2 yrs after receiving a great deal on an apt (30% below list). The property demographics are generally low to middle income families of all ethnicities (Caucasian, Indians, African-Americans in that order). As with any other large property there were late night parties, etc. but it was mostly quiet. There were severe stink bug infestations that have been mostly controlled but are not quite there. The adage ""you get what you pay for"" is absolutely true. I lived at Legacy at Linden Park before and that property/management are head and shoulders above this one. My biggest concern with this is not the property itself but rather the management. At every turn they nickel and dime you for amenities (pool fees, internet cafe key fees, gym key fees). Before moving out I missed the 60 day notice so they forced me to sign another lease for the 15 days missing. This is not spelled out in the contract and I considered a legal challenge but forked over the extra $262.50 as it was cheaper than getting a lawyer. After moving out, the final straw came when they sent me to collections for not paying the final move out damages (I left the apt in immaculate condition and have pictures to prove it). I left a forwarding address, called to confirm that they received the keys/forwarding address the Monday after moving out, and to this day have not received an itemized list of damages. Just a fat collection notice (they received my forwarding address just fine!). When I called to talk about why I did not receive a letter describing the final damages but was sent to collections without even as much as a courtesy call, Anne Marie said that ""this is business"" and that she does not have time to call people. They send everyone to collections who does not pay 10 days after mailing the final letter (effectively leaving only a couple days to pay if you assume that the post office will take a few days each way). I would like to remind them that people are their business and would encourage potential tenants to save themselves the trouble of dealing with the management.