Let me start by saying that I feel better than I ever thought I was going to be able to feel again. Dr Chalmers really has made a very significant change for the better in my life and my family’s lives. I will say go with an mind because the things they do there are different and when I went for the first time I wasn’t sure about all the things they wanted to do. However, I have several friends that swear by him so I went ahead and did everything he suggested. Now I will agree the mud thing was kinda far out there for me however I felt quite a bit different the next day. It took me about 2 months and I am now taking about 1/6 of the supplements that I started on and I still feel amazing. I dont have any more heartburn, my anxiety is pretty much gone and my energy is through the roof. I have sent several of my friends to see him and the ones that have been able to get over the fact that the things they do there are different and sometimes very odd feel a ton better. All I can say is that things take a little time. It took me two months but I feel amazing.