horrible vet!!! Long story short... took my dog there for vomiting, was told she had pancreatitis... (treatable), was told she would be fine. The next day i went to visit, was told her kidneys were shutting down, but would get a medication ordered to help with that... it was a reaction to the first medication given for pancreatitis. By the third day, i went in to visit (unannounced) and was looked at like i had three heads. When they brought my dog out, she was so swollen and wouldn't even look at me... The employee who walked her out (we knew personally) and their comment to me was, "between me and you, i would get your dog out of here, take her somewhere else". We did right then and there, ended having to put her down that night at the other vet.... Her body had started shutting down... She was only 2. The bill was through the roof..... i was making small payments... and still got threatening letters. This was just one experience... All the times before, the exams were done in the wa