PupScouts is a good idea, in the eyes of the first time dog owners it must be a perfect and inexpensive training facility. It is though not developed to its full potential. As a professional I can say that they lack a lot of things. They try to socialize pups which is great and they have good ideas and programs, agility is great too, but the training ideas are very old fashioned. One example: They think that lots of excitement is going to help you with training which is not quite true (some dogs react on that kind of excitement very well, and it's beneficial but lots of doggies dont care about the human emotions in that way.. PupScouts put a TON of emotions into their training, lots of annoying high pitch tones), by lots of excitement they're only creating a very anxious environment - doggies are very excited and it's challenging to keep their attention, mainly if you have a hyper young dog. There are many things that would need to be fixed, but they're an okay facility.