I was in this disgusting place about a 3 weeks ago. The massage person that I had was really nice and she did a really good job, but the owner and the African American women were in front and I could hear them just gossiping about the person that was giving me a massage. I felt so bad for this girl and she just looked really young and you could tell that she was hurt from this. They were call her names like a stupid knave little girl and how she stupid and a bitch. Now if these people were professional they would have not even have said anything, and the owner at that. this lady is just pathetic. What a boss!!!! Oh I called there to see if I could schedule appointment with this girl again but found out that she quit.! If your reading this good for you I’m so happy you got out that place.! But to everyone else believe what you read cause this place is just no good.!!!!!!!!!!!!