After 2 years & numerous tests diagnosing me with ""unexplained infertility"", I was willing to try anything! I started at TCRA as last resort before proceeding with in vitro. I had never tried acupuncture at all, and I was originally skeptical of whether or not it would really work. But I was willing to try anything at that point!
I met with Kirsten for my initial consultation, and she gave me HOPE for the first time in a very long while. I followed their instructions religiously, taking the herbs and attending regular appointments. Almost immediately I noticed a change in my cycles to a more regular, predictable pattern. My PMS symptoms became progressively better. After only a few months, I became pregnant, but had a miscarriage. However, thanks to the caring response from the TCRA team - I didn't give up. 2 months later, I was pregnant again and gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl in March 2011.
I fully believe that without the help & advice of everyone at TCRA, I would not have conceived as easily as I did.
Special mentions:
* Kirsten is amazing & will keep you optimistic & hopeful.
* Mandy's advice on things I should bring up with my OBGYN was essential to preventing another miscarriage! Thanks to her, I learned things to talk to my doctor about, that I would have never brought up otherwise.
* Dixie's caring attitude, friendly face & positive attitude made each session with her an absolute pleasure. She was my cheerleader!
* Tiffany, the first person I saw at every visit, was always friendly, and made it a point to remember who I was, and greet me by name. I felt like a person to her and not just another appointment.