Dancing at Miss Jeanne's was one of the best experiences of my life. I started at the age of 3 and continued until I graduated at 18. While there were always ups and downs (as there is with life), there were way more ups than downs. Miss Barbara, as well as the other teachers, taught me not only about the art of dance, but about life as well. Miss B always told us that our dance friends were our best friends. That is a fact that remains true today. Even with busy lives, we all still find time to try and get together. Miss B also taught us about love. The love of dance and the love for each other. She loved every single one of us in her own way. Did she push us? Yes. Did she critique us? Yes. Did she tell it like it was? Yes. Were we all better for it in the long run when we took that stage? Absolutely. I always felt comfortable taking the stage at the end of the year. I knew our recitals topped every other dance studio in the valley. I also knew that we were dancing and truly performing at our best. This studio is somewhere to send your daughter (or son) to truly become a well rounded person. The studio will teach them dance, love, commitment, and how to build solid friendships. Miss Jeanne's is about dancing and finding a family.