I would put negative stars if possible. THE ABSOLUTE WORST PLACE TO LIVE. The landlord is COMPLETELY CRAZY!! He wears a pin camera in his shirt to record all conversations. He HATES women. I lived here for a year with a roommate and it was the MOST HORRIBLE experience I have had. The landlord would go into your apartment when you left during the day. I know this because he broke some of our belongings when we weren't home. My roommate and I took the time to take down the hideous wallpaper in the bathrooms, and then painted the entire apartment, we didn't receive any compensation for that. He made us pay 2 separate pet fees a total of $600 on top of our original deposit even though it was not stated in the lease. And to top it off he didn't give us our entire deposit back!! I would strongly suggest that anyone considering these apartments RUN NOT WALK IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION!!!