I guess you could say Im a disgruntled volunteer/worker for barn help at this business but, its for good reason. I responded to an ad on craigslist requesting barn help in trade for riding lessons. Little did I know what I was getting myself into. The stalls did not appear to be cleaned on any routine basis. Some horses would stand in their own puddles of urine and feces 2-3 days at a time requiring me to dig 6inches in to get it all out just to turn around 2-3days later and do it again. They were not maintained during my absense. Many of the horses appear to not only be neglected of a clean stall but, clean water buckets (most of which were broken) or empty most days, in addition they were neglected of any human contact other than to throw grain and hay. They also seem to be neglected of routine vet care. Many of the boarder horses appear to in discomfort/pain and bored. Some of the stalls are too small for the size of horses residing in them. Many of the horses are hot and need hosed down they are swetting so much because there is no venilation fans/windows in the barn. As a volunteer and animal lover I volunteered my efforts to give the horses what they needed. The owner did not take kindly to it and requested in partnership with another volunteer that we not return to the property. This was primarily because a boarder shared information with her that there was concern for many of the horses not being treated properly. In addition I was not compensated for nor given adequet riding lessons as agreed to in trade for hours worked upon entering the facility